Wednesday, 21 March 2012

quick up date

A picture of Hannah's learning to tell the time clock

Her me on the map book

Play doh with stencils

Cheating at fine motor skills

Self portrait

For Lukas we drew an outline of a face and then laminated it for him to draw on with white board pens, neither Stephan or I can draw and we're out of printer ink and trying to save money, so Stephan got an outline on the laptop screen made it as big as possible and then traced it! ha sometimes we take being frugal to extremes!

For information purposes
 The whole changing the colour of daffodil thing with coloured water--doesn't work with natural food colouring!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

How Aeroplanes fly

Me and Hannah went to a workshop today about aeroplanes, it was presented by a university lecturer and I was a bit worried that it would not hold Hannahs attention at all. It was from 10:30-3 so quite a long day for us really.
Hannah loved it, the lecturer was great there was a lot of children in there all different ages, he had lots of fun hands on activities to keep them engaged and entertained. He showed things simply enough for Hannah to get something from it and complex enough that the older children could as well.
Rainbows teddy came with us as well, she's meant to take it somewhere and then tell everyone about it next week.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

our calendar

This is our new daily calendar, its a baking tray with wrapping paper over it. Circle magnets stick the date to the tray. We  will do it every morning before Daddy goes to work, I might print out some pictures of things we do regularly to add to it.
 This morning I asked Hannah which number comes after 12, she said 11. Lukas said 12, 13.
I'd like to see inside his head.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Stephan made a camera!

We have found many uses out of the gaviscon boxes! Silver lining to Joshua being sick?

Sunday, 11 March 2012


Yesterday was beautiful sunshine, Hannah was finding bugs to go in her microscope. In the end she had 3 ladybirds in there (and some grass!), she drew the spots so we can find out what type they are one day this week. We thought of some questions so we can find out some more about them this week.
She wanted to keep them as pets but we let them go before bed, she cried. When she cries over things that I think are silly it makes me paranoid that she is really crying about some other repressed thing that she doesn't know how to let out!!! (who do you think is the silly one now!!)
I guess that makes this week ladybird week.

Friday, 9 March 2012

Rest of rainbow week!

So I realised we play out a lot, its fun Hannah is making friends and Lukas and Joshua love being around people.
This week Hannah tried Skiing-she cried most of the time, but then cried when it was over because she wanted to carry on, oh the life of a 5 year old!

Rainbow week is finally finished
This will be the front page of Lukas' colour book.
I'm going to print out the photos tomorrow and put them in a flip photo album.
Green snack was celery, that didn't go down to well.
Its been good to try some different foods for snacks, we get a bit stuck into eating the same things all the time. Hannah and Lukas asked for carrot today for pudding after tea err ok then!!
and I was doing so well....

Friday, 2 March 2012


Its been a busy week, we've had lots of home ed things going on and a lovely friends leap year birthday We stayed home all day and have chilled out making time for a yellow snack and yellow scavenger hunt.