Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Hannahs teepee tutorial

In Hannah's latest national geographic magazine there was directions for making a big teepee, Hannah wanted to make one but we didn't have the right sticks so she decided to make a small one. As she was making it she said, "I know why don't we take pictures each step of the way and then put it on the internet so that everyone knows how to make a teepee"
Errr I think we maybe use internet tutorials to often haha!

anyway here it is, she set it all up and took all the pictures (except the last ones!) Now she is going to tell me what to write!

Step 1:
Get 6 sticks and they need to be the same size

Step 2:
Put a rubber band around the top of them all

Step 3:
Stand it up with the big bit for the door, open it out.
Step 4:
Get a piece of material and some string
Step 5: Fold the material into a triangle but not all the way to the top
Step 6: Put the material onto the sticks and then tie string round it

Step 7: Then tie feathers on
Step 8: You can put a whole campsite up.

Have fun with your teepee

I'll hopefully catch up with the rest of our goings on tonight!!

Sunday, 20 May 2012

aH I haven't written for ages, I'm going to do a picture up-date! Probably in no particular order!
Lukas and some baby ducks

Joshua's 1st birthday

Hannah and Lukas made pizzas at pizza express.
Hannah made a train

gardening, our poor garden!

fish and chip at the seaside

Lukas using his chip fork to dig in the sand


playing in the hay at the farm

Molly and Joshua

Joshua walking!


At dig in York, great day out

This picture sums up Lukas at the train museum perfectly

Is it a touch screen?

Stephan made the kids a bookcase

Hannah wanted to do her own dig in the back garden

How deep they got before she got to cold

sorting out their finds.

They found a bone!